*Downloading the freebie will subscribe you to our email list, You may unsubscribe at any time, though doing so means we cannot contact you regarding this event. Add the rest of your disclaimer here.
Talk a little bit here about the problem your event or freebie is hoping to solve. You want to have people feeling like "YEP, that's it, it's not that simple, that IS what I'm struggling with, maybe I do need this..." Go on for a little bit about this and take up all the space you need.
Meet the author / teacher
And then make sure and use this short paragraph to share your credentials, what makes you an expert on what is going to be taught, and why they will be blessed for showing up and joining you. I know it's hard to talk about yourself, but honey - you are worth the gloat. Remember, you are going to change their life after all!
foUNDER of pretty things
Something good to know about you
Digital Marketing Essentials Kit
Short freebie page
Long form Lead Page
Short events page
thank you page